
Spiritual growth!

Having a Past Life Regression can enhance your intuition and connection to inner guidance. This heightened awareness can help you make choices aligned with your purpose and navigate your life path more effectively.

For those with a spiritual orientation, past life exploration can contribute to a sense of spiritual growth and evolution. 

Understanding past life experiences can help bring awareness to your strengths, weaknesses, talents or abilities. Discovering these talents can guide you towards paths aligned with your true purpose.

-gain introspection and self-discovery and find out who you really are

-find clarity and purpose so that you can focus on creating what you want

-go from self-sabotaging to self-empowering


Journey Beyond, Uncover Within!

begin your

soul's adventure!

Gain insights into recurring

patterns and


in your

current life!

*It’s important to note that while some people find profound insights and benefits through past life regression, individual experiences may vary. The interpretation of past life memories is subjective, and the therapeutic process should be approached with an open mind and a focus on personal growth and self-discovery.

Services I provide:

Spirit Releasement

Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT) is an alternative or complimentary therapeutic approach that suggests the possibility of entities, spirits, or energies attaching themselves to individuals and causing various physical, emotional, or psychological issues. The basic premise of spirit releasement therapy is that these attached entities need to be identified, communicated with, and released from the affected person to promote healing.

Practitioners of SRT believe that these entities may be the result of various factors, such as trauma, unresolved emotions, or spiritual disturbances. The therapy often involves a process of hypnosis or altered states of consciousness to access and communicate with the entities.

Is it the same as an exorcism?

SRT and exorcism are two different approaches to dealing with spiritual or paranormal phenomena, although they both involve the belief in entities or energies that can affect individuals. Here are the differences between the two:

  1. Purpose and Approach:
    • Spirit Releasement Therapy: SRT is typically conducted within a therapeutic framework by  practitioners, such as hypnotists or shamans, for example, who believe in the concept of attached entities or spirits. The goal of SRT is to identify, communicate with, and release these attached entities from the affected individual through techniques such as hypnosis, dialogue, and energy work. SRT is often seen as a form of alternative or complementary therapy.
    • Exorcism: Exorcism, on the other hand, is a ritual or religious practice performed by clergy or individuals with religious authority in certain belief systems. The purpose of an exorcism is to expel or remove what is believed to be malevolent entities or demonic forces from a person, place, or object. Exorcisms are typically rooted in religious or spiritual traditions and involve prayers, rituals, and spiritual interventions.
  2. Beliefs and Worldview:
    • Spirit Releasement Therapy: SRT is often associated with metaphysical or spiritual belief systems that acknowledge the existence of attached entities or spirits that can influence human behavior and well-being. Practitioners of SRT may approach the work from a perspective that integrates psychology, energy work, and spiritual beliefs.
    • Exorcism: Exorcisms are deeply rooted in religious beliefs and often occur within the context of specific religious traditions such as Christianity, Islam, or certain indigenous practices. Exorcisms are based on the belief in spiritual entities, demons, or evil forces that can possess or afflict individuals, requiring spiritual intervention to remove them.

In summary, while both spirit releasement therapy and exorcism deal with spiritual or paranormal phenomena, they differ in their purpose, approach, beliefs, and cultural contexts. Spirit releasement therapy is often seen as an alternative therapeutic approach, whereas exorcism is a religious or spiritual practice rooted in specific belief systems.

*Before considering spirit releasement therapy or any alternative therapy, it is advisable to consult with qualified mental health professionals. If someone is experiencing physical or psychological distress, seeking help from licensed healthcare providers, psychologists, or psychiatrists is recommended. I am not claiming to diagnose or cure any illness or issue as I’m not a medical doctor. This is strictly spiritual and does not replace seeking healthcare if needed.

Past Life Regression

Past life regression therapy (PLR) is a therapeutic  technique that aims to access and explore memories from past lives or earlier experiences in the current life. It is based on the belief that experiences and memories from past lives can influence our current emotions, behaviors, and relationships. The therapy involves guided relaxation and visualization techniques to help individuals access these memories, gain insights, heal unresolved issues, and promote personal growth. It is often used as a complementary approach to traditional psychotherapy and is considered part of holistic or alternative therapies.






What if I can't be hypnotized?

Unless you have a severe mental condition, are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or simply fight the process, you can be hypnotized.

Is it affiliated with any religion or belief system?

No, neither PLR or SRT is affiliated with any particular religion or belief system. They can be explored by individuals with diverse spiritual or non-spiritual backgrounds.

How long does a session last?

It can vary, but usually lasts between 2-3 hours. During the session time will be spent on both, guiding you into a relaxed state and exploring your past-life memories.

How does Past Life Regression Therapy work?

During a session, you will be guided through the corridors of time, unveiling images, emotions, and memories from past incarnations.





have an

energy or spirit

attached to you ??

During your session I will perform a body scan to check if your physical body or spiritual body has any spirit attachments such as Earthbound Spirits (EBs) or Dark Force Entities (DFEs). If found, they will be identified, communicated with, and released from the body.

What are symptoms of a spirit attachment? Unexplained physical ailments, such as chronic pain or symptoms without a clear medical explanation. Addictions or compulsions, uncontrollable urges. Unexplained fears or phobias that are sudden and intense or feelings of being watched.

wondering what




Past Life Regression Therapy can potentially help someone find their life's purpose by tapping into their subconscious mind and accessing memories from past lives. These memories may contain experiences, skills, talents or abilities that have been carried over to their current life. Discovering and acknowledging these talents can guide individuals towards paths aligned with their true purpose.



Unlock your true potential! Contact me now!